When it comes to fitness, many think cutting calories is the fastest path to results. But here’s the truth: your body is a highly intelligent system that adapts to the fuel you provide. If you start slashing calories drastically, your body quickly picks up on it, slowing down your metabolism to conserve energy. And in this mode, it can even turn to muscle tissue for fuel—a big setback for anyone working hard to build strength and tone! We’re all about fueling our bodies to thrive, not just survive. Fat loss and fitness aren’t about deprivation or restriction; they’re about nourishment and balance! 💗 Let’s dive into why eating enough is so important—and how to spot when you’re not getting enough fuel.

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GERD-Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) affects millions of people, causing discomfort and impacting daily life. However, one of the most effective ways to manage GERD is through dietary changes. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to manage GERD by making smart food choices and creating a diet plan that helps reduce symptoms. What is GERD? GERD occurs when stomach acid frequently flows back into the esophagus, irritating its lining. Common symptoms include heartburn, regurgitation, and difficulty swallowing. While medication can help, adjusting your diet is key to reducing flare-ups and maintaining long-term relief.

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Managing high blood pressure often starts with what’s on your plate. A heart-healthy diet can make a significant difference in maintaining optimal blood pressure levels. Here are some key dietary strategies:

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Find out how a nutritionist views the role of oats in promoting convenience and balance in your morning meal.

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The average salt intake in India is about 11g sodium per day where as WHO recommendation is about 5g per day. Which means, almost more than double the amount of recommended sodium is consumed by Indians on daily basis.

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Recently I had been to Taj for a short holiday and I was mind-blown by the variety of items they had to offer me in their breakfast buffet. And the worst part is everything was looking amazing and hard to choose between each other. I being a small eater would make me feel sick if I stuff things till my neck !! This generally happens in every holiday I go and here is what I do to make the best of it without overeating and feeling bad later.

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Before even looking at weight loss as a goal, one should start understanding the maintenance part. Weight loss is not a sprint to just push your limits for a while and stop. It's like a marathon , goes on for a very long time.

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we hear a lot about "Health" "Healthy eating" "clean eating" etc almost everywhere right? But why do we fear starting to eat healthy? Almost 80% of the people I meet have some unsaid fear about changing the lifestyle or just changing the way they eat.

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