Health is the greatest asset we all can have if we can invest time in it !

Managing high blood pressure often starts with what’s on your plate. A heart-healthy diet can make a significant difference in maintaining optimal blood pressure levels. Here are some key dietary strategies:

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Find out how a nutritionist views the role of oats in promoting convenience and balance in your morning meal.

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The festive season is a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence. It's also a time when many people worry about their healthy eating habits going out the window. However, with a little planning and mindful choices, you can enjoy the festivities without compromising your health. In this article, we'll share ten practical tips to help you eat healthy and stay on track during the festive season.

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The average salt intake in India is about 11g sodium per day where as WHO recommendation is about 5g per day. Which means, almost more than double the amount of recommended sodium is consumed by Indians on daily basis.

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Recently I had been to Taj for a short holiday and I was mind-blown by the variety of items they had to offer me in their breakfast buffet. And the worst part is everything was looking amazing and hard to choose between each other. I being a small eater would make me feel sick if I stuff things till my neck !! This generally happens in every holiday I go and here is what I do to make the best of it without overeating and feeling bad later.

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How much do you know what you eat everyday? Here is a small writeup to create awareness towards food preservatives.

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“I am fit and healthy” – this is one thing every individual want to say until his last breath. Who does not want a healthy and fit body? Unfortunately, food habits, work culture, social habits, stressful lifestyle are the excuses one finds to convince oneself and the world to compromise health and fitness.

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Before even looking at weight loss as a goal, one should start understanding the maintenance part. Weight loss is not a sprint to just push your limits for a while and stop. It's like a marathon , goes on for a very long time.

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The biggest enemy of weight loss journey is that attitude of doing anything and everything just for the sake of losing weight.

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we hear a lot about "Health" "Healthy eating" "clean eating" etc almost everywhere right? But why do we fear starting to eat healthy? Almost 80% of the people I meet have some unsaid fear about changing the lifestyle or just changing the way they eat.

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I believe, healthy eating need not always be extensive cooking :)

Eat the rainbow 🌈 Here is a recipe to beat that inflammation and water retention. This salad is loaded with Vit C,A, K, E, protein, fibre, antioxidants, folate and an excellent choice to eat as a dinner or a snack. If you are looking at reducing inflammation in your body, you must consider including this :)

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Since potato belongs to a root and tuber category it's high in starch hence high in carbohydrates.But potatoes are also great source of potassium, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C, iron as well as protein

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A breakfast with good amount of protein and fiber is crucial. It keeps you satiated for longer and also helps you avoid any unnecessary ravings :) One of my favourites, oats porridge which not only quick but also super yummy 🤤

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Hello there! If you're curious to learn about my background and how I arrived at this point, please read on.

I'm Dr. Priyanka Marakini, a practitioner of Naturopathy and Yogic science with a Master's degree in Nutrition. With a decade of experience in the realm of health and fitness, I've been working as a Nutritionist for the past 10 years. It was during this time that I decided to start writing blogs to organize my thoughts and share my knowledge.

My professional journey commenced in 2012 when I began working as a nutritionist in a corporate health club in Bangalore. This marked a pivotal moment in my career, transitioning from being a medical doctor to a Nutritionist and fitness enthusiast. This shift also prompted a profound personal transformation, both physically and mentally. It became clear to me that I should continue to inspire and guide people to feel confident in their own bodies and educate them on genuine health and fitness principles.

The world of fitness is currently thriving, and many individuals claim to be coaches, nutrition experts, or fitness trainers, promising rapid weight loss. However, it's essential to understand that expertise in this field goes beyond personal transformation. Each person's body is unique, and nutrition science is a complex, empirical discipline.

This is why I'm here, to document my insights on topics such as health, diet, lifestyle, habit formation, aligning the mind and body for effective health management, and more. Let's focus on mastering the fundamentals to build a solid foundation for our health and fitness, rather than being enticed by the allure of "Losing Weight Faster."

Feel free to reach out with any questions, and I'll be delighted to provide answers.

Warm regards,
Dr. Priyanka Marakini

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  • If you wish to work with me please contact me on whats app and I shall get back to you